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Need to Know



There are plenty of people who can achieve results without a trainer. A lot of information on training and nutrition is out there for you to get your hands on, this website being one. Really it’s about being honest with yourself. If you have tried to get results on your own it hasn’t worked then you might want to look at a trainer. 
There is a mixture of information out there and although free, often is just someone picking up on the latest craze and selling it as ‘Guaranteed to get great results’. More often than not, it won’t work for you. Why? Because it hasn’t been designed for you.
Another deciding factor is where you prioritise your fitness goal within your life. Even trainers have trainers! This is because we know the benefits of having someone else take the reins. Someone to push us that little bit further. Same can be said for athletes. Maybe you have something to work towards and what that help, or motivation.


A very big subject, with great arguments everywhere you look for ‘yes’ and ‘no’.

So what is true and what isn’t? All I can do is give you my honest opinion, with no hidden agenda and no crazy statements. 

Most athletes/trainers/gym users use supplements. The thing that drives them to do so is varied. I use supplements irregularly, and my reasons for doing so are simple.

There are no supplements out there that will replace hard work, a healthy and consistent lifestyle and good quality training. I don’t believe any combination of pills and powders will get me results I can’t get from the right lifestyle.

I do however, from time to time use whey protein shakes and bars for three reasons;

  1. They are quick and convenient. If I’m in a rush I would rather grab a quick shake.

  2. The break from endless chicken, meat and fish when on a high protein diet is good for my sanity.

  3. To beat those cravings and awkward moments. They are delicious! Most of the time! When your friends come over for a movie with popcorn or chocolate, reach for the protein bar and say no thanks I’m all set.


The reality is I’m afraid to say, is YES! We are all pre-selected by our genetic make-up to be certain way. In the same way if we are tall we can’t make ourselves short and vice versa. Although not in as Black and white fashion as that.

There are things we can do to change how our bodies behave, so all is not lost. 

Through diet and training protocols we can make changes to a certain extent. The truth of the matter however is that we can only do so much- if genetically you don’t respond to strength training then being the next Eddie hall is probably a little out of your reach, but being a competitive power lifter or strongman competitor doesn’t have to be.

If you are predisposed to hold more body fat, then aiming to stay sub 8 body fat all year round is probably going to be a big ask. This doesn’t mean you can’t look lean and have a physique to be noticed and proud of.

Don’t let genetics be your excuse! Set realistic goals work hard to achieve them and be proud of your results. Remember, this is about competing against yourself. Kick the ass of last years you and you will feel satisfied in your journey.

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