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Gym posters, videos, flyers, they all paint the same picture. Gym goers are lean, muscular fitness fanatics ready to tackle any workout. I have had people ask me in the past for home workouts because they don’t feel comfortable going to the gym until they have lost a bit of weight. The Gym is the perfect place to achieve this and although I will sometimes aid people in their efforts by supplementing Gym routines with home workouts if it best suits their lifestyle, I don’t like home only programming due to its limits (unless the right equipment and setup is available at home). If you were going to teach someone to swim and they said can I just lie on the floor and do it because I don’t want people to see me struggle in the pool you would probably think they were a bit mad. All that is required is a change in your own thinking. There are a few things I want you to keep in mind. Firstly, everyone started where you are. Every person in that gym stood at those doors and didn’t know what to expect once inside. Secondly, if you forget about the strength, ability, Fitness or how people look, the majority of them all have one thing in common, they are trying to get better. They are not content with where they are and want to make changes. This makes them the same as you, right?! Therefore people aren’t as interested in you as you might think. The majority of people are focused on their own training rather than the people around them. 95% of people won’t know you are there and will pay you little attention, the other 5% aren’t focused enough to reach their goals and you can treat them as irrelevant time wasters. If you train correctly they will be more in awe of your good form and effort levels than anything else. Above all else, you are there to fix something, to make a change, so this is part of the journey. Find your way of getting it done. Maybe it’s ear phones in and ignore the world. Maybe it’s going with a friend who has been before or hiring a trainer. Once you start to see those results you will have no problem seeing the Gym for what it is, a place for everyone.

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